
Av - 9.10.2009 16:26

Hvor EU-skeptiske er egentlig de britiske konservative? Landsmøtet gir anledning til litt kremlologi. Snart blir det etter alt å dømme alvor, når/hvis David Cameron overtar som statsminister for den første tory-regjeringen siden Tony Blair og “New Labour” vant i 1997. De konservative er blitt mer skeptiske til europeisk integrasjon i løpet av denne lange opposisjonstilværelsen, EU-tilhengerne færre.

Partiledelsen har justert seg og lettsindig lovet folkeavstemning om Lisboa-traktaten. Dette slipper de antakelig unna etter irenes ja. Finlesning av skygge-utenriksminister William Hagues tale til landsmøtet viser en mer balansert holdning til EU enn mange påstår at toryene har nå, skriver Charlemagne, og det er lett å være enig. Les Hague:

So our inheritance if we win the coming election will be of British retreat in foreign affairs, at the very time that power in the world is in any case shifting rapidly to the east. It is argued that in such a world Britain can only exercise its influence through the European Union. I say the EU is one very important way in which we do that, and that indeed when it comes to dealing with Iran over nuclear policy, Russia over energy security, or the Balkans to prevent new conflict or disorder, we need Europe to use its collective weight in the world and indeed to do so more often. But under a Conservative Government there will be something else: there will be a distinctive British foreign policy, geared to the promotion of the British national interest, and it will be advanced, yes, through the European Union, but it will also be advanced through the alliance with the United States the current Government have recently mismanaged, through new friendships and alliances beyond North America and Europe which they have neglected to build, and through networks such as the Commonwealth they have never bothered to remember at all.

Dette smaker ikke akkurat av utmelding. Et avsnitt til:

And we seek a European Union that acts by agreement among nations, rather than by placing its own President or Foreign Minister above any nation. Let us be clear on the reasons for our opposition to the Lisbon Treaty and our call for a referendum: the ever greater centralisation of power beyond the democratic control of the people is not in keeping with the needs of the twenty-first century; it is against the spirit of our age; it diminishes our ability to pursue our own global relationships, and in its lack of accountability and legitimacy it goes against our fundamental belief that people should only be led and governed with their consent.

Britene har vel alltid vært bremseklossen når det gjelder en EU-utvikling i retning føderasjon, så hvor nytt er dette egentlig?

Lesning av ulike mediers framstilling av toryene og EU gjør meg i hvert fall skeptisk til heiagjengen i den konservative pressen, særlig The Times. Se denne saken, der journalisten helt utelater de moderate delene av talen.

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