Miljøpolitikken: (nesten) det eneste britene liker ved EU

Av - 25.9.2009 15:48

Listen over hva britene liker ved EU er veldig kort. Men det er ett område hvor øyfolket har stor tillit til hva som kvernes ut i Brussel: Miljøpolitikken. Telegraph har gått gjennom meningsmålingene:

…when it comes to the environment, nearly three times as many Britons say that the EU has had a good effect as disagree; only fighting terrorism runs it close. And it is the sole issue where opposition has not grown since the middle of the decade. It is also is one of the very few areas where Britons forget their hostility to Brussels regulations. Nearly twice as many say decisions about the environment should be made jointly with the EU as want them taken by Westminster alone. And – with immigration and crime-fighting – it is one of the areas they most want the European bureaucracy to focus on. In both cases, support is growing.

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