Lampedusa og Libya

Av - 24.2.2011 19:19

Avisen La Stampa forteller om en uvirkelig stemning på Lampedusa:

It seems that this small corner of the Mediterranean has become a transport hub for everyone embarked on a fateful journey with no prospect of return. Warships are chugging towards the Strait of Sicily to join the small fleet that has already gathered there. And all the airbases are on high alert. Preparations are underway.

Innbyggerne frykter at det elendige været legger seg, for hvem vet hvor mange tusener som vil legge ut på reise fra Libya da. I de verste scenariene snakkes det om flere hundre tusen flyktninger.

Det vil ikke gjøre inntrykk på noen på Lampedusa, men en annen europeisk avis, spanske El Pais, kritiserer den europeiske reaksjonen på omveltningene på den andre siden av Middelhavet. Mens folket der kaster tyranner, er Europa bare redd for å få for mange flyktninger.

Before a crime as massive as the one being perpetrated by Gaddafi, Europe is committing an unpardonable act of vileness in its musing over the best way to lock up Libyans within their borders, leaving them at the mercy of a ferocious repression. Europe’s real worry, however, should be how best to speed the end of a grotesque and vicious regime and how to save human lives. Communiqués and official statements are failing to shed any light on the matter. Worse yet, while the EU27 still polishes the wooden language of its “common position”, Gaddafi is using mercenaries to crack down on the demonstrators and intensifying the climate of terror by preventing the dead from being taken off from the streets.

EU-kommisjonen skal i hvert fall reformere naboskapspolitikken.

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