En Schuman-erklæring for det 21. århundre

Av - 8.5.2010 13:56

Schuman-planen førte frem til Paris-traktaten, som ble underskrevet i 1951 (Schuman nr 5 fra venstre) og opprettet Det europeiske kull- og stålfellesskapet. Foto: Kommisjonen, referanse P-001321/00-04.

Søndag 9. mai er det 60-årsjubileum for Schuman-planen, som ledet frem til Det europeiske kull- og stålfellesskapet. En gruppe medarbeidere ved European Policy Centre har i anledning jubileet utarbeidet en Schuman-erklæring for det 21. århundre. Europeisk integrasjon har i deres syn vært en lang suksesshistorie frem til nå, med fred, solidaritet og velstand. Men nye utfordringer krever nye tiltak:

“In global terms, the EU and all its members are in relative decline – politically and economically. (…) Without change, the old continent is doomed to gradual marginalisation and irrelevance. Economically, the members of the EU have promoted and profited from market integration and globalisation. But Europe’s economic and social model is threatened. The effects of the global crisis, growing competition from developed and developing countries, resource scarcity, the increasing complexity of national and transnational security risks, demographic trends, public finance imbalances and climate change can only be effectively addressed at the EU level.”

Ved å lede reformarbeidet av globale institusjoner kan Europas rolle i verden styrkes:

“The EU needs to speak with one voice if Europeans want to see their common values, interests and historical experience reflected in a system of global governance. (…) Europeans should jointly propose a blueprint on how to reform their representation in international political and financial organisations. The Union should be leading attempts to reform global institutions like the G-8, the G-20, the IMF, the United Nations, the World Bank or the WTO.”

Tiltak bør også settes inn for å styrke den økonomiske styringen:

“50 years of economic integration, crowned by the introduction of the euro, have made European economies highly interdependent and no European country can deal with today’s challenges on its own. In order to overcome economic fragmentation and to define and implement an ambitious economic strategy, the EU needs to establish a European Economic Government (EEG). For the EU as a whole, more effective coordination is required. Within the euro zone, we must go even further and establish the conditions for effective common action within a fully functioning Economic Union.”

Så gjenstår det å se hvorvidt Schuman-erklæringen for det 21. århundret vil bli sett på som et viktig innspill, og om disse anbefalingene vil bli fulgt opp.

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